söndag 26 augusti 2007

I like hugging, It's the best thing ever.

Went to the movies with my dear vapendragare Cilly tonight.
It was just as good as it was when I saw it the first time.
Only thing was that I had to pay for it this time. So that pretty much compensates for the last time, right? Now I dont have to feel any more guilt.
'cuz I always feel guilty watching movies without paying for them *host*
The good shit about writing in english is that the "spelling check" acctually works now :)
I can just click on the word that's fucked up and this "thing" just tells me how to spell it. It's splendid.
About going to the cinema, being single and all, is that you feel soooo alone.
'cuz 80% of all the people there, is going with someone they're together with, or at least someone they're really really into, in the opposite sex, or maybe not, by the way? And I really really like Cilly, but that's really really not the point here ;) You know what I mean, right?
They're all standing there... cuddling...kissing, or just simply hugging.
And all that's going through my mind at that time is "WHYYY, GOD WHYYYY?!"
"Why can't someone just come up to me and give ME a freaking hug, huh?"
"Do I smell like a garbage can, really? Do I??"
What I'm trying so say is that it sucks. You probably got that point already, I hope?
I miss that part of life, you know?
It's just like they say: "You don't know what you've got, 'til it's gone"
Feels like I've said that allot of times, but it's so freaking true.
You don't appreciate hugging when you're in a relationship. You really don't! Come on?
It's nice and all, but you don't really appreciate it. You don't think "God I'd miss this if I didn't have you" 'cuz It's always there, so near.
The same thing about having someone to sleep with (and I mean "sleep with" in terms of going to "la la land", capishe?) How great ain't it to feel someone near you when you go to bed, someone holding you, spooning...
And now I sound like the world is coming to an end and we're all gonna die a horrible painful death, pity me pity me. *gah*
I just miss it, that's all. The "thing".
The "thing" people have, but not appreciate enough.
I know I will, when that day comes.
I'm gonna appreciate the mother fucking shit out of it :D
Can you please count all the times I've mentioned "appreciate" in this blog?
I didn't even knew how to spell it before, and now I'm typing it like it was the most beautiful word in the whole wide world :)
Oh well, now I'm gonna take my fat sorry ass (looks just like Jlo's btw) into bed and try to get some sleep.
Over and out.

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